Obavestavamo sve zainteresovane da ce muzicka grupa Dah Theatre iz srbije nastupati sa igrom ZA TVOJE DOBRO u sredu, 30. juna 2021 godine u Bursi u sklopu 8. Internacionalnog Pozorisnog Festivala Balkanskih drzava.
Zainteresovani mogu da rezervisu svoje mesto do 18. juna pozivom na telefone: 2021: 0 224 222 89 10/115 ili 0 (312) 310 19 45 1129.
We would like to inform that the Musical Group Dah Theathe from Serbia will preform with a play FOR YOUR OWN GOOD on Wedensday, June 30, 2021 at 20.30 pm in the scope of the 8th International Balkan Countries Theatre Festival in Bursa.
Reserve your place by calling the number until June 18, 2021: 0 224 222 89 10/115 or 0 (312) 310 19 45 1129.