At the beginning of his two-day official visit to Turkey, President of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Mr. Aleksandar Vucic came to Istanbul where he was welcomed at the airport by President of the Republic of Turkey H.E. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the military parade. Later on, two presidents participated at Turkish-Serbian Business Forum attended by Serbian and Turkish businessmen. In his speech to the businessmen, president Vucic underlined that the relations of the two country are better than ever, but more effort must be shown in the areo of economic relations. He thanked to president Erdogan and Turkish investors for having invested in small cities and the ones affected by the recent floods where the investors from other countries did not want to invest. He stated that the future potential for cooperation is very vast, especially in industries of textile, food and agriculture. He made an appeal to Turkish investors to continue investing into Serbia and reminded that the trade exchange has grown over 9 times in last 10 months. President Vucic expressed his gratitude to president Erdogan for the ceremonial welcome at the airport adding that Turkey should know that it can always count on Serbia, as well as that Serbia knows that it can count on Turkey. In his speech at Forum, president Erdogan said that Serbia is a friendly state to Turkey and it is a key country for the peace and stability of the Balkans. He said that both sides have a strong will for improving the existing good cooperation even more and that he also hoped that the trade exchange that passed 1 billion dollars, will rise soon to 2 billion dollars because there are so many big opportunities for all kind of investors for investing in the Balkans.

The next day, president Vucic met in Ankara Charimen of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey H.E. Mr. Ismail Kahraman with whom he discussed the bilateral relations. Two statemen concluded that the preservation of the stability in the region of South Easter Europe and enforcing the regional cooperation, in which the part of Serbia and Turkey is very important, in the interest of the both countries, as well as the region itself. Before this meeting president Vucic visited the mausoloeum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and later on met with the Turkish president Erdogan.

President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan organized a special ceremonial welcome for the president of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic i front of the Presidential complex in Ankara. After the meeting of two presidents, they held a press-conference where the Serbian president thanked for the magnificent welcome ceremony and president Erdogan`s strong will for rising of the economic cooperation at the highest level possible. Two presidents opened the first session of the High Council for Cooperation of Turkey and Serbia. During this session, agreements on transport, IT, energy, agriculture, ecology and police cooperation were signed. It is stressed that these agreements as welle as the couple of road infrastructural project, one of them Belgrade-Sarajevo high way, will be the elements for improval the cooperation in the next period. President Vucic stated that he values a lot the appeal of president Erdogan at the Forum and in Ankara to the investors to come and invest to Serbia since it is a positive signal for the investors and at the same time a gesture of the friendship towards Serbia. President Erdogan underlined thet the experience exchange and development of the infrastructural project contributing to regional development, peace and prosperity, will be continued.