June 23-24, 2013
Serbia’ s First Lady H. E. Mrs. Dragica Nikolić has, upon the invitation of the First Lady of Turkey H. E. Mrs. Hayrunnisa Gul, payed a vist to Ankara on June 23-24, 2013.
Mrs. Nikolić had meetings with Mrs. Hayrunissa Gul, with TIKA President Mr. Serdar Cam, as well as with the spouse of Turkish Foreign Minister H. E. Mrs. Sare Davutoglu. She also payed a visit to the hospital „Zekai Tahir Budak“, accompanied by Mrs. Davutoglu and has also visited Memorial Center dedicated to founder of Turkish Republic Kemal Ataturk - „Anitkabir“
Mrs. Nikolć has presednted goals, programs and results of her humanitarian foundation „Dragica Nikolić“ to Turkish esteemed interlocutors, regarding the projects of restorations of the Maternity Hospitals in Serbia.