June 20, 2011
Ambassador Spasojević had a meeting with Rifat Hisarciklioglu, the President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), which is the most influential business association in the country.
During the meeting opportunities for trade and economic cooperation between Serbia and Turkey were discussed. TOBB President Mr Hisarciklioglu expressed the readiness his Union to give full support for the further development of bilateral economic cooperation, with its 365 regional and local chambers, whose members represent the mayor engine of Turkish economy.

The conclusions of the meeting were that currently our bilateral economic cooperation does not follow the intensity of our political relations and that there was a lot of potential for its further improvement.
Mr Aleksandar Medjedović, President of Serbian-Turkish Business Council in the Organisation for international economic relations (DEIK), was also present at this meeting.